
Axo 1:
Use of simple forms to create an emotional space.

Axo 2: Visible skeleton to express structure
Axo 3: Marrying of structure and architecture.
Axo 4: Architecture as a playful, otherworldly place 

Axo 5: Generosity of Space

Axo 6: Line between building and landscape melds.

7: Parallel Projection of axo 2 & 4

8: Parallel projection of 3 & 5.

9: Parallel projection of 1& 6

10: curvilinear form of 7

10: Curvilinear form of 8

11: Curvilinear form of 9.


Textures used in Design:

Lumion Pictures:

Week 1 Axo:

Week 2 Axo  with Curvilinear Form:

5 Lumion Pictures Of the Completed Lightrail Stop in Context:
The sturdy structurality of the interior form is emphasised through the thick, heavy materiality of the concrete blocks as they lay over the inside structure. The contrast of these two forms emphasise Calatrava's concept of a rigid frame and Hunderrwasser's idea of architecture as a playful otherworldy place.

Concept 1: Calatrava's visible skeleton, expressed structure, everything is visible.
Curvilinear arched beams protrude upwards from the centrepiece of the road to the edge of the rectangular prism void creating the sense of a 'visible skeleton' that emphasises the dynamic structurality of the vaulted space.

Concept 2: Hundertwasser's ideology of architecture as a playful, otherworldly place. As the above land bridge cascades down over the interior skeleton of the light rail stop a void is made on either side of the road. This space feels unique and whimsical as it has a subterranean sense.

Sketchup Model:

Lumion File:


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